Music gives me life
I haven’t really spoken about this much on this blog yet and I’m not sure why because anyone who knows me in real life will know that my biggest passion in life is music. Unfortunately, I have no discernible talents like playing an instrument but I do know good tracks when I hear them.
Not a day goes by that I don’t listen to music. It can alter completely change my mood and the right song can help me find myself on my worst days.
Whenever I can get a babysitter I go to gigs and some of the best times in life have been at music festivals like Leeds Festival, T in the Park and Glastonbury.
I’m a rock and indie chick at heart (with 80s indie being my particular happy place) but if its a good tune, I don’t care what genre it is.
Recently, I wrote a guest post for #saturdaysoundtrack over at the Mumington Post and in writing it I realised that I love writing about music and want to start including this on my blog. It is my corner of the internet after all. I’m not sure how frequently I’ll do it yet, I guess that depends on how you lovely lot respond to it!
The top two tracks I’m listening to right now
Lowtide – Julia
The first track I can’t stop listening to right now is Julia, by a band called Lowtide. Lowtide are a band from Melbourne, Australia and Julia is their cover of the 1988 track by Asylum Party. The cover was actually released last August but I’ve only recently come across it.
Its got 80s sounding guitar bass that you could easily mistake for Joy Division riffs and its just achingly angsty and romantic. Usually, I’m of the opinion that covers butcher the original songs but this is a great modern update to the song that gives it subtle shoegaze vibes.
The original song is a sweeter in the chorus but its Lowtide’s synthy dream-pop cover that I want to listen to on repeat, and ultimately makes me want to go check out more of Lowtide. They are a band thats been around since 2008 but I haven’t heard a great deal about them and thats about to change. The B side to Julia is called Spring and is also a strong track. I can’t find an official video for Julia but you can listen to it below.
Favourite lyrics: There really aren’t very many lyrics to this song at all its pretty much this repeated ‘I love Winston, said Julia And I’m falling down, said Julia. For my love Winston, said Julia’.
We know the Way – Lin-Manuel Miranda and Opetaia Foa’i from the Moana Soundtrack
A totally left-field insert but I wouldn’t be being honest if I didn’t include this track from the Moana soundtrack. We’ve been listening to this since going to see the film over the Christmas holidays. Its a tune! It makes me see why there had been so much buzz about Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton if this is the talent he puts into his song writing.
I told you I like songs of any genre as long as they are good and this is catchy as hell. The way it breaks on the final chorus gets me every time. The majority of the soundtrack is good though and its great that I can play something for the kids that doesn’t make me want to kill myself.
Favourite lyrics – ‘We know who we are, who we are’
Have you heard these tracks before? What do you think of them? If not, give them a listen and let me know what you think in the comments. Do you like this blog feature and do you have any song recommendations for me? Let me know!
I can’t wait to see Moana – I think we’re going to wait until it’s on at kids club though. I noticed the Ballerina film you recommended is on at Empire for Kids Club in Feb so hoping Moana won’t be TOO long.
I am not too much of a music fan anymore but Steve ALWAYS has his Apple Music playing. We’re currently working through the top hits of the years from 1980 to present day. We’re onto 2004 now I think, in fact I can hear Madonna’s Hung Up playing in the background right now! It’s been a fab way to rediscover old songs you used to love.
You’ll love Moana. It’s awesome! Can’t beat a bit of Madonna. Especially 80s Madonna!
I love music, I have rarely found the time to listen to much recently but me and Paul have made a pact to turn the TV off and put music on more at home. We are LOVING the Moana Soundtrack, And Zoe knows all the words already.
I am also really enjoying the new album from The XX
I nearly added the XX to this actually! I think it makes such a difference to play music instead of the TV sometimes and the kids are equally entertained anyway
Zoe paid much more attention to toys and activities and talked to us more without the TV on in the background. We are setting some firm limits at weekends now.
I want more music on in our house too. It’s hard because Lena is in a phase where she wants you to hold her and dance whenever a song comes on. Which is fine until 100 times later and you just can’t be arsed anymore! Arlo did the same phase so I expect she’ll grow out of it eventually!
We definitely need to have an 80s indie chat at some time – it’s the sound track to my childhood and student life. I so miss DJ’ing in clubs (with actual records) and I have made a big effort to get the boys listening to music and trying to steer them my way. I let them borrow my CDs to play in their room on a morning – I guess if i’m going to get woken up by music its better if I like it.
We definitely do! Nothing better than 80s indies. I like your style!